spring water

The Health Promoting Benefits Of Spring Water | The Natural Man

Let’s talk spring water

During my recent trip up to the White Mountains with my beautiful girlfriend I had the experience of being surrounded by fresh and fast moving mountain spring water.  After drinking this water for several days it became clearer how perfect spring/mountain water is to the human body. After drinking this water for several days, I felt more energized and my overall mood/well being was better.

You may be asking how spring water is responsible for this change in energy and mood and the answer is simple, it works intelligently with your body.  We must understand that spring water has been underground for thousands of years and is stored in natural aquifers. These natural aquifers actually filter the water and by the time the water reaches the surface, it is perfect for consumption. It also contains an abundance of natural minerals our body needs for optimal performance.

Spring Water And Longevity

Our ancestors drank spring water and our DNA is designed to be drinking this type of water.  It contains natural and living enzymes due to it being filtered through the soil and rock. It’s also a great source of living probiotics.  You simply cannot go wrong with spring water.  I highly suggest you find a spring near you if possible and store some in glass bottles for later use.  If you don’t have access to a spring near you then your next best option is to buy spring water from the store.  However, don’t expect the same taste and energizing effect as you would from getting the water from the spring yourself.  Below I’ve posted a video of spring water harvesting in the White Mountains of NH.
