
Mucuna Pruriens – Natures Brain Tonic And Mood Enhancer

Mucuna Pruriens History

Mucuna Pruriens, also known as velvet bean, cowhage and/or Kapikachhu, has been used for centuries by the indigenous people of Africa and Tropical Asia for various ailments. This slow creeping vine grows on trees and is very itchy to touch due to serotonin on its surface. This bean is an excellent source of naturally occurring L-Dopa. It has become very popular  among many health advocates who have recently discovered its many health benefits that the indigenous people knew of for centuries.

If you have not heard of this bean, I suggest you continue reading this post as I will outline its many benefits it has towards the human body. For the record, I myself take Mucuna daily; as I will never promote something I have not tried myself. That being said, I encourage all to incorporate Mucuna Pruriens (whole herb powder) into their diet due to its many health benefits.  This bean has only benefited me, as well as others in my experience. Below I’ve list 5 reasons why you should incorporate Mucuna Pruriens into your diet today!


Mucuna Pruriens Improves Mood and Motivation

Mucuna is a potent all natural source of L-Dopa meaning it is going to increase dopamine levels in the brain. Increased Dopamine levels in the brain lead to better mood and more motivation. However, unlike pharmaceuticals, Mucuna works intelligently with the body (like all herbs) and restores balance without the awful side effects of modern medicine. Several scientific studies show it significantly improving the outlook on depressed individuals. Also, Dopamine, unlike serotonin, is responsible for the “Drive/Motivation” part of the brain. Scientists now realize that depression is a dopamine problem, not a serotonin problem.

Mucuna Pruriens Improves Sexual Improvements

Due to Mucuna’s mechanism of action of increasing Dopamine levels in the brain, users will almost always see a jump in their sexual response and libido. The Indigenous people have used it for centuries for those experiencing infertility. Recent research has concluded that this magical bean actually increases sperm count in men which makes it a great supplement to anyone’s diet who may be experiencing infertility issues.

Mucuna Pruriens Natural Stress Reducer

Mucuna is notorious for reducing stress levels and promoting an overall feeling of well-being. Individuals experiencing high amounts of stress should definitely consider taking Mucuna daily. As well as increasing Dopamine levels in the brain, it also helps rebuild the adrenal glands. Those who are under high amounts of stress often have weaker adrenal glands as a result. Mucuna not only helps restore the adrenal glands, but it also makes them stronger so stress can be handled more efficiently.  If you think you may be suffering from adrenal type issues, check out Adrenal Stress Profile – Saliva Test Kit For 5 Hormone Level Imbalances. This particular Test requires no doctor; it is a Do It Yourself Kit that is extremely accurate. As well as Mucuna, Ashwagandha and Gotu Kola also restore and address adrenal type problems.

Intestinal Disorders Combated by Mucuna Pruriens

Society’s love for processed and unnatural foods has lead to a whole host of intestinal problems. Mucuna, paired with NON-GMO – organic – gluten free – dairy free diet can do wonders for those with intestinal issues. This is because Mucuna is an anti-viral and almost all intestinal disorders stem from “bad bacteria” in the gut. If your unaware of “gut bacteria” check out my video HERE on it and how to make/incorporate sauerkraut into your diet in order to improve it.

Mucuna Pruriens Improves Sleep

As mentioned above, Mucuna is an excellent source of naturally occurring L-Dopa which increases dopamine levels in the brain. Consequently, by increasing Dopamine levels in the brain, users will promote better and more efficient sleep. Those suffering from insomnia type issues will benefit from taking Mucuna daily.

Dosage: I suggest taking a WHOLE HERB POWDER of Mucuna Pruriens and starting at 2 grams daily. Everyone is different so experiment with dosage. Also, taking with green tea helps Mucuna penetrate the blood/brain barrier more effectively. An organic supplier can be found below.

Banyan Botanicals Kapikacchu Powder (Mucuna Pruriens)


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