
Success And Happiness | Learn The Six Rules To Achieve Your Dream

  1. Find Your Dream

It was easy to dream when you were a kid.  Something changes however over the years and we begin to push dreams to the side.  We begin to look what society accepts as “normal” and “safe,” and we make the best out the options presented to us.  You need to reprogram your mind and tell your self that I’M going to create my own option and my own way.  Every single one of us has been endowed with a gift.  Find your gift, and use it!  Your gift is what is going to pull you out of a life of meritocracy.  Furthermore, stop looking at gifts as only athletic ability, musical talent, actors, etc.  We live in a society that completely brainwashes us into believing that if you don’t possess ‘these’ particular gifts, you’re a nobody.

Your gift is what makes you happy; it doesn’t feel like “work” when your doing this activity.  In fact, you most likely use your gift on a daily basis. Unfortunately, you have yet to apply yourself in way to utilize this gift to make your dream a reality. Remember, you only get a certain amount of times around the sun.  It’s not about being remembered or having your name up in lights.  It’s about becoming the best you can be with the gifts and talents that were endowed to you.

  1. Execute

This is where most people fail.  You must understand something, anything worth while in the world is not going to come easy.  If it were easy, everyone would be doing it!  It takes effort and hard work to make a dream a reality.  Anything that isn’t part of ‘society’s mold’ is going to take hard work to accomplish.  Remember that there is no such thing as failure.  You may fail 1,000 times, but after 1,001 time, you may succeed.  See, you didn’t fail 1,000 times, no, you found out a 1,000 ways that did not work.  Don’t be afraid to fail!  Take risks in life!

Always remember that your time on this Earth is short and can end at any moment.  Use your 24 hours wisely.  Pro football player Eric Thomas once said, “You have to want to succeed as bad as you want to breath!” Remember, stay consistent, work hard, and make progress everyday towards your goal.  Don’t get discouraged, just keep moving forward, the universe is just about to open up to you!

If you haven’t done so already, check out my podcast episode HERE.  I go in depth on how fear is controlling a majority of the population and how you can stay motivated in a world of naysayers.


  1. Remove Negative Individuals From Your Life

This is absolutely mandatory if you wish to achieve success.  These people will suck the life out of you, and your dream.  Simply remove them and replace them with positive individuals with the same mind set as you.  It’s sad to say, but the first people to usually put your dreams down are friends and family members.  Pay no attention to the naysayers.  You must tell yourself everyday that “your the one” and that you won’t give up till you reach your goal.

Listen to the stories of the most successful people on the planet and learn from what they already went through.  I don’t care if your goal is to be self sufficient and not dependent on society, or your goal is to become the next president, both are going to take focus and dedication.  Remember, whatever doesn’t fit the cookie cutter lifestyle society has laid before you, is going to take work to break free from.

My dream in life has always been to be self sufficient and to have ‘simple things’ in life.  The realization soon set in however that even though my dream of a simple life seemed practical, it was going to take a tremendous amount of work to achieve this goal.  Why? Well, as stated before, anything that goes against societies template is going to take work and focus to break free from.  Fortunately, surrounding yourself with positive minded individuals and disconnecting yourself from negative minded individuals makes this process much easier and more enjoyable.


  1. When You Fall, Get Up!

Yes, you will fall; it’s is an unavoidable truth. No one will hit as hard as life. If you let it, life will beat you down and keep you down. If you look at anyone who has accomplished great things in this life, you will find one common trait among them all. They refuse to stay down. You have to learn to roll with the punches, you will never hit as hard as life will, so don’t try. Learn to flow like water, adapting and forming to whatever life throws your way. Keep telling yourself you are a rare breed, and no event, or obstacle, is going to keep you down. Perseverance is key to making a your dream a success. You can have all the talent in the world, but if you can’t work through animosity, you will not be successful.

Remember, when looking to achieve your dream always know that it’s not a sprint, but rather a marathon. Success is never achieved over night. Anything worth while is going to take time and effort. If you remain consistent and diligent however, doors will begin to open for you. There are also certain adaptogenic herbs that can help with expanded brain function, as well as opening the mind to new ideas. Adaptogens help the body reduce and handle stress more efficiently and increase brain function. You can find those adaptogenic herbs HERE.


  1. Enjoy The Process

Too many people end up giving up on their dreams because they fail to reach their goal after a certain amount of time. It can takes weeks, months, and sometimes even years to reach a particular goal. Now, if you have a dream, I guarantee you it will not happen over night. Enjoy the process each day and be thankful that you have an opportunity to achieve success. Newtons law of motion states that an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. If you are making daily progress, you are staying in motion. Expect forces to act against your efforts to move forward. As stated before, life will knock you down, however, those who achieve success always get back up and stay in motion.

Remember, enjoy the process! Can you recall when you were younger and all you wanted was that new toy? You begged your parents or guardian for that new toy and the anticipation and build up nearly killed you. However, once you were given that toy the feelings quickly faded and your attention was turned to something else. The same goes for success. Ask any successful person and they will tell you it’s the process of building and working towards the dream that is most fulfilling, not actually achieving the dream itself. Enjoy the process!


  1. Give Back

Although it may seem counterproductive, you need to give back. There is no better feeling than giving. When we give, we achieve a sense of well being that money can’t buy. By helping others reach their dreams, the universe gives back to us what we desire. It should never be about money. If your dream is to make lots of money, good luck. You will never achieve happiness or peace until you realize you don’t need money to feel fulfilled. Your fulfillment comes from doing what you love and doing what others claimed to be impossible. Money should always be a bonus, not the driving factor. Whatever your dream may be, make sure you take time out to give back!




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