eluthero root

Eleuthero Root – Reduce Stress and Increase Athletic Performance

Eleuthero Root In Early Chinese Medicine

Eleuthero Root, or Siberian Ginseng, is a powerful adaptogen that has been used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine.  If you’re unaware, adaptogens are herbs that help reduce stress and increase your stress capacity.  Eleuthero Root has been shown to reduce the effects of both physical and mental stress.  Its traditional use in Chinese Medicine was to ‘invigorate’ an individual who may be experiencing lethargy or age related disease.  Unlike coffee, Eleuthero Root is not stimulating.  It gives the individual a steady stream of energy throughout the day while also promoting a sense of inner calmness.

Reduce Stress and Regenerate The Adrenal Glands

As mentioned before, Eleuthero Root is a powerful adaptogen.  However, it’s also great for supporting the adrenal glands, as well as regenerating the adrenals.  If your unaware, our adrenal glands produce critical hormones that help us cope while under stress.  If an individual is experiencing adrenal exhaustion, they will not be producing the necessary hormones needed to deal with day to day activities.  As a result, symptoms such as anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, fatigue, and lack of motivation often surface with adrenal exhausted individuals.

Fortunately, Eleuthero Root aids the adrenal glands in making better use of the hormones it’s producing.  Simply put, it aids the adrenals and allows them to work more efficiently.  It also helps bring over stimulated adrenal glands back to homeostasis.  Over stimulation of the adrenal glands is common with those suffering from adrenal exhaustion.  Too much caffeine such as coffee is notorious for overstimulating the adrenals. So put down the coffee if you’re tired!

Increase Recovery Time and Increase Athletic Performance

Russia was the first to use Eleuthero Root has an athletic booster. In fact, the Soviet Olympic athletes used it specifically to increase stamina and endurance, and also to decrease recovery time.  Since Eleuthero Root regulates the adrenal glands and allows them to work more efficiently, the body is allowed to focus on other bodily aspects such as recovery.  Remember, your body is the most intelligent machine on the planet and prioritizes bodily processes based on importance.  You need your adrenal glands producing the right hormones in order for survival.  You don’t need maximum recovery for survival.

Because of this, those with adrenal type issues often don’t receive the necessary bodily recovery needed for optimal health.  Unfortunately, adrenal exhaustion and lack of recovery often go hand in hand.  Luckily, Eleuthero Root corrects recovery issues by getting to the root of the problem (no pun intended).  Unlike pharmaceuticals that put a “band aid” on the problem, herbs such as Eleuthero correct imbalances in the body by going to the source of the problem and fixing it.  As result, numerous aliments will subside that were once thought to be the “true” culprit.

Clear Out Your Medicine Cabinet

In my experience, problems such as anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, exhaustion, depression, digestive disorders, and skin rashes are all ways of your body attempting to communicate with you that something internally is wrong.  We tend to freak out when these things happen and run for medicine cabinet instead of taking a step back and trying to understand what the body may be trying to tell us.  In fact, autoimmune disorders and allergies are without a doubt your body attempting to communicate with you that something internally is wrong.

If you suffer from any of these problems I challenge you to take a step back and look at your diet.  Perhaps what your eating is causing most of your problems.  Don’t go reaching for the medicine cabinet.  Modern medicine covers up symptoms of the underlying problem and causes your liver to go into overdrive; this in itself with lead to a whole host of problems.  Start to become your own doctor by taking self responsibility for your health.  The body is your temple. It’s yours to embody so that you can experience this Earth for all that is.  How sad it is that most individuals have cleaner cars then their own temple!  If your confused about how to clean your temple, check out my eBook HERE.

Eleuthero Root as A Longevity Booster

Eleuthero often takes several weeks before effects begin to take place.  However, many never stop taking this herb and incorporate it into their diet for life.  It can increases sexual function in all ages, as well as combats various aliments associated with aging. It also has a positive effect on immune system function.  Again, Traditional Chinese Medicine used Eleuthero Root primarily to restore vigor. Vigor tends to decline as we age.  However, long term use of this herb maintains a youthful vigor and keeps us happy and healthy.  If you would like to regenerate the body, I suggest Eleuthero Root as a place to start.

Herb Pharm Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng) Root Extract for Energy and Stamina – 4 Ounce

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