Spring Water Vs. Distilled Water – Which Is Better For The Human Body?

Spring Water Vs. Distilled

A frequently asked question circulating the health community is: what type of water is best for human consumption?  Many believe that pure distill water is the best water available.  Distilled water is pure H20 and contains no inorganic minerals.  Inorganic minerals found in spring water are thought to be unusable by the distilled advocates.  The theory is that only organic minerals found in plants and animals are recognized by the body.  Advocates of distilled water often claim that distilled water is how nature’s hydrologic cycle works and that rain water would be identical to distilled water if it were not for man-made pollution. That being said, there are many testimonials of individuals reversing all kinds of disease by drinking distilled water only.

On the contrary, spring water advocates claim that spring water is the most natural water for human consumption.  They claim our ancestors have been drinking this water for thousands and thousands of years with no ill effects.  Since springs start underground thousands of feet below the surface, pollution is said not to be an issue as the water is thousands of feet of below the earth.  As spring water begins its voyage to the surface, it continues to undergo constant filtration by the earth until it finally surfaces.  Spring water is the oldest water on the planet and is often said to activate consciousness of the individual.  Furthermore, the bible says we came from the Earth and were created from dust.  For this reason, spring water advocates believe this water is best suited for our DNA.


Distilled Water: Chelation and De-Calcification

As mentioned before, distilled water is pure H20 and contains no dissolved solids or chemicals found in tap water.  It is completely empty and wanting to bond with other substances.  One must understand that water is the greatest solvent in the world.  It wants to attach itself and bond itself with inorganic minerals.  Excessive tap water consumption or “hard water” consumption can lead to calcification of the body.  Calcification is a buildup of calcium salts which makes us inflexible.  As we age, these calcium salts can build up and makes us feel much older than we really are.  Cracking joints, loss of flexibility and loss of range of motion in one’s body are all signs of calcification.

This is where distilled water can work absolute magic.  In my experience, distilled water is one of the greatest chelators on earth.  When it enters the body it immediately starts bonding itself to inorganic minerals such as calcium salts.  These calcium salts, as well as other inorganic minerals, are then excreted out of the body through urine.  Many will argue that distilled water can be harmful because it attaches itself to organic minerals and can cause mineral deficiencies.  However, it’s important to understand that distilled water and organic minerals both have a negative charge; inorganic minerals have a positive charge.  For this reason distilled water is said to only attract itself to inorganic minerals, not organic.

That being said, there have been individuals drinking distilled water for many years with no ill effects or mineral deficiencies.  Some of these advocates who promote distilled water have been drinking it for over 40+ years with seemingly no ill effects.  In fact, many of these people look extremely healthy for their age.


Spring Water: Activate Consciousness

Natural Spring water is an electrically charged liquid that activates an individual’s consciousness.   Freshly harvested spring water from your environment can make you more aware of the ecosystem around you.  The second you begin to introduce this “living water” into your system you will begin to feel a sense of attachment to your environment.  Spring water harvested from your environment reveals secrets of the landscape to the individual.  Simply put, spring water is a “teacher” of the environment.   All wild food consumed off your landscape will speak to your body on many levels.  Spring water is in fact a “wild food.”  Wild foods are what taught natives and past cultures how to live off the land and in harmony with nature.  When we eat these foods, we begin to expand our consciousness of all the other wild edible foods around us!

spring water vs. distilled water
Filling up at a local spring! This water tested at 75 ppm. Springs that test 30 ppm and lower are the most hydrating in my experience.

However, not all spring water is equal.  Spring water in plastic bottles is troublesome.  In fact, plastic can actually leach into the water and containment the water.  Also, spring water shipped from foreign countries will have little to no benefit for the body.  Remember, water helps build blood in your body and makes you more aware of your environment.  Building your blood with foreign water will not help make you more aware of your environment.  In fact, it will throw off your electrical balance and make you less grounded to the environment in which you live.


So Which Is Better?

Neither.   In my experience both distilled water and fresh spring water can have their place in the diet.  Again, people tend to gravitate towards extreme(s) and become close minded to certain ideas.  When harvesting fresh spring water I advise carrying a TDS (total dissolved solids) meter with you.  Springs that measure 30 PPM (parts per million) and lower are the most hydrating springs in my experience.  Springs with a high TDS reading (200 and above) tend to be less hydrating and over consumption is thought to lead to calcification due to the high inorganic content.  I notice that when I drink from springs with high TDS readings I do not feel as good.

For this reason, I incorporate both distilled and spring water into my diet.  I’ve found that drinking a couple of glasses of distilled water with a bit of ACV upon waking and then switching to spring water thereafter works extremely well for me.  This gives me the best of both worlds; de-calcification and activated conscious.  With that said, freshly harvested spring water makes up the majority of my fluid intake.  Furthermore,  if I have a low PPM spring such as 30 and below, I find distilled water to be unnecessary.  However, these springs with 30 PPM and below are very rare.  In fact, past cultures would frequently move in hopes to find these life giving springs.  Make no doubt about it, our ancestors knew that not all spring water was the same and that some springs were superior to others…

What You Can Do

If you’re interested in purchasing a distilled water machine, I recommend Megahome Distilled Water Machine.  Also, to find local and trusted springs in your area check out www.findaspring.com


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