coconut oil

Why You Should Cook With Coconut Oil | Healthy Cooking Oils

Why Cook With Coconut Oil

Coconut oil extracted from either the meat of a mature coconut or from its kernel has many amazing uses.  The oil was prized in ancient Ayurveda Medicine for its health promoting properties and ability to soothe digestive woes.


Refined Vs Unrefined Coconut Oil

Many processes are employed in the extraction of coconut oil. The initial oil is the unfiltered, unrefined form (pure coconut oil). This form is tastier, has a flavor of fresh coconut, and more nutritious than the refined form which has been subjected to extreme heating or chemical bleaching. For this reason, it’s highly advisable to always get UNREFINED coconut oil. The high levels of antioxidants found in unrefined coconut oil make it the perfect anti-aging food.

The health benefits of coconut oil cannot be overemphasized. The oil contains chemical constituents that are beneficial to body cells and thus significantly improve the healthy status of body tissues.  Coconut oil contains a large amount of saturated fat which has been shown time and time again to be necessary for hormonal health (1).

coconut oil


Medium Chain Triglycerides

Coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids, which are easier to digest, possess antimicrobial and antifungal properties. Some of these medium chain fatty acids are lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid.

The lauric acid in coconut oil has been found to possess antifungal properties as it reduces the growth of candida and thus prevent the development of candidiasis (2). It also creates a hostile environment for viruses, thus preventing viral infections. The medium chain fatty acids in coconut oil have been found to cure urinary tract infections due to their ability to destroy the lipid cell wall of the bacteria (3).


Coconut Oil For Physical And Mental Health

Coconut oil has been shown to improve memory in older subjects. Studies have shown that coconut oil is a readily available source of energy to the brain, thus reducing the need for insulin mediated glucose uptake (4).

It improves digestion, serves as emulsifier and accelerates the absorption of fat soluble vitamins, magnesium and calcium. Due to its antimicrobial properties, it helps protect the gut flora and prevents the growth of pathogenic organisms. Its anti-inflammatory effect prevents the development of inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis (5).

By aiding the absorption of calcium, the development of bone and teeth is also improved (6). This is also beneficial to those with osteoporosis. It also shows benefit in patients with arthritis. It reduces the inflammatory process and reduces the pain of osteoarthritis(7)


You Can’t Go Wrong With Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is an essential cooking ingredient that offers numerous health benefits. Cooking with the coconut oil (especially the unrefined form) will go a long way in keeping you healthy and improving your quality of life.



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