
Benefits Of Ghee: A Powerful Super Food And Ancient Yogi Secret

edited by: Mark Stapleton

Ghee The Essence Of Life

Ghee is an ancient Ayurveda medicine tradition, which can be traced to India. This is believed to be a nourishing, medicinal, sacred, and cleansing food. It is a powerful super food in India that can be used as a herbal prescription offered to the gods in rituals as a symbol of purity, food ingredient, and so many other uses.

Ghee is considered a pure substance because it is the essence of milk. It is 100% butterfat which is made by simmering the butter to separate the other components from the oil.  The end product is a golden, smooth and creamy substance that contains none of the common allergies (casein and lactose) found in most milk products.


Important Fat Soluble Vitamins

This super food has a lot of nutritional benefits which include vitamin K2, vitamin d, vitamin E and A, Conjugated Linoleic Acid (1).  These vitamins have been shown to be fat soluble and extremely hard to get on a vegan diet (2). Ghee also lowers cholesterol, increases sexual vitality, balances gut health (digestive system) and gives energy.  It also contains small amounts of cholesterol. Despite popular belief, cholesterol is needed in order to produce key hormones.  Recent studies show that lower cholesterol values is associated with death from cardiovascular disease (3).  Simply put, the body needs cholesterol and Ghee has this important compound.


The Many Benefits Of Ghee


1. Improves Heart Health

As opposed to the many claims that the fats found in Ghee are bad for the heart, research has revealed that they can give the heart a healthy boost. This secret Yogi medicine contains a healthy dose of Omega 3 fatty acids that balance your fat digestion and reduces unhealthy cholesterol levels in your heart (4).



2. Great For Those With Milk Allergies

It presents no risk of allergies because the entire diary residue is always simmered off during production making it a safe choice for people who cannot consume butter or are lactose intolerant. It can be consumed without fear of the digestion problems; they are commonly faced with.


3. It Reduces Inflammation

Ghee contains butyric acid which is a necessary addition to the diets of people with ulcerative colitis. This Butyric acid is a short-chain fatty acid known to reduce inflammation of all kinds mostly in the gastrointestinal tract (5).

4. It Boost The Immune System

The butyric acid found in ghee is also used to boost the immune system. This acid stimulates the production of T-cell. These cells are known as the heavy- hitting cells of the body’s immune system (6).


5. It Energizes the Body

Ghee also contains medium-chain fatty acids that can be processed into energy without contributing to weight gain. This fatty acid is highly recommended for people with busy lifestyles or athletes that need a healthy dose of energy daily.


6. Good for the Eye

Ghee contains Carotenoids as well as vitamin A which is vital for the protection of the eye (7).  Carotenoids reduce and destroy the free radicals that assault the macular cells and stop any cataract growth and macular degeneration (8).

7. It Acts as an Antioxidant for the Body

The Vitamin A and Carotenoids found in Ghee not only protect the eye but also safeguard the body against free radicals. The combination of the three antioxidants found in ghee (conjugated Linoleic acid, vitamin A, and butyric acid) makes for a super anti- cancer medicine (9).



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