What Is NPK Soil?
NPK soil is an abbreviation for the mineral elements Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. The abbreviation corresponds to each elements letter found on the periodic table; Nitrogen(N), Phosphorus(P) and Potassium(K). Now, ALL healthy soil requires certain mineral elements to be present in order to produce healthy plants. When Soil lacks key elements, plants are deficient. In fact, all plants have the ability to defend themselves as long as the soil is rich in elemental minerals. However, when soil becomes depleted, the use of herbicides, pesticides, fungicides and insecticides are needed in order to produce plants on the deficient soil.
When consumed over long periods, these pesticides can be extremely toxic towards ones health. For this reason, many have opted for organic which prohibits the use of pesticides. Buying organic is without a doubt a step in the right direction, but there is more to the story. Organic regulations DO NOT prohibit the use of NPK soil. This means that your organic food could essentially be growing on a deficient soil containing only nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. This means your organic food could be extremely deficient in nutrients. Remember, deficient soil produces deficient food.
The Forgotten Elements
Thanks to modern soil science, we know what elements make the best food producing plants. Below is an outline of what ALL healthy soil should contain.
- Essential Mineral Elements:
Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, boron, chlorine, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, molybdenum, and nickel.
- Beneficial Elements (Not Required But Highly Desirable):
Silicon, sodium, cobalt, selenium, chromium, vanadium, and titanium,
- Essential Non-Mineral Elements:
Hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon
Notice that out of the 24 elements listed, most modern soil only contains 3. Furthermore, NPK soil is completely devoid of 10 mineral elements that are essential in order to produce fully developed plants (we won’t even go into the beneficial elements that most likely influence plant growth positively). Is it really surprising that mineral deficiencies are at an all time high in the United States?
Remember, this information comes from modern soil science which conducts experiments in order to determine which elements are needed for plant growth. It’s likely that our ancestors were eating vegetation growing on soil containing a wide array of elements; many of which that are not listed above.
Animal Food Most likely Deficient In Key Minerals
Unless you hunt, fish or raise your own food, you’re most likely not getting adequate amounts of key nutrients. Remember, most farm animals whether organic, or not, are being fed a feed that was grown on deficient soil. As a result, the animals will not be getting the broad spectrum of nutrients needed for optimal development. Consequently, these animals will be less superior to those allowed to forage wild grasses and insects. For this reason, the nutrient profile found in wild game is much greater.
If you’re planning on incorporating animal foods into you diet, there are still some viable options available at most supermarkets. These foods include: grass fed beef, wild caught fish, chickens allowed to forage freely, and raw cheese or raw milk from grass fed cattle. Ideally, you would hunt or fish with the seasons but this is usually not an option for most. Luckily, the foods listed above are great options for anyone looking to maximize their nutrient content obtained from animals.
Adding Minerals Back Into Your Body Naturally
If you live in the United States and don’t hunt or grow your own food then you’re most likely missing out on some key minerals. It’s been purported that 90% of Americans are deficient in trace minerals. These trace minerals play a huge role in ones overall health and well being. Many do not even realize they are deficient in trace minerals until they add them into their diet and begin to see improvements in their health. Be sure to check the list below for ways in which you can naturally remineralize your body!
Fulvic Acid
Fulvic Acid is a savor when it comes to remineralizig the body. It’s simply ancient humic and fulvic shale deposits of decomposed plants from thousands of years ago. Plants thousands of years ago contained a greater amount of trace minerals due to the pristine soil conditions. Fulvic Acid supplements are created by harvesting these ancient deposits and placing them in pure distilled water. This produces a potent and clean extraction method. After many years, the distilled water is harvested and contains all the beneficial trace minerals as well as humic and fulvic acid(s) that were once in the ancient deposits! Better yet, these trace minerals are in their ionic form and are completely plant based. The link above is the only fulvic acid I would use. They take the out most care in producing the best fulvic acid on the market.
Similar to Fulvic Acid, Shilajit contains both humic and fulvic acid. It also contains 88+ trace minerals that are extremely hard to get in today’s world. Shilajit, often called “mineral pitch” is a black tarry substance that oozes high up out of the Himalayan mountains. Villagers thousands of years ago discovered shilajit by observing the white monkeys who frequently ate of this mysterious black ooze. They observed that the monkeys who ate of this black substance were much more dominate and vigorous than the monkeys who did not eat of the substance. It wasn’t long before the villagers caught on and the discovery of shilajit and its many wonderful benefits became a staple in ancient Ayurveda medicine.
Furthermore, like Fulvic Acid, Shilajit is ancient deposits of decomposed plants. However, these deposits are millions of years old as opposed to thousands of years old. For this reason, Shilajit is usually much more powerful. Unfortunately, it usually costs much more as well.
Bee Pollen
Bee pollen is one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. It can be observed that bee keepers tend to live longer. We are just beginning to understand how powerful and beneficial bee products are towards the human body. Bee pollen is packed with a wide array of B vitamins and even contains trace amounts of B12. It also contains an amazing amino acid profile to complement the B vitamins. Bee pollen is a raw product and as a result contains beneficial enzymes that help with the digestion and assimilation of foods.
It’s always a good idea to start with a small amount to make sure you are not allergic. Simply place a small amount of bee pollen in your mouth and hold for 20 minutes. If no adverse reactions takes place you know bee pollen works with your body. Its also always a good idea to buy bee products in their raw form and from countries that do not allow GMOs. Bee’s are the perfect carrier for GMO plant pollen and often contaminate non GMO plants.
Sea Salt
Sea salt is by far the cheapest and most effective way at adding minerals back into the diet. In fact, proper hydration on the cellular level can not take place unless sodium is present. It’s important to understand that table salt is pure poison. However, real salt such as sea salt is the most life giving substance on the planet. Real salt contains a broad spectrum of trace minerals that are in perfect balance with each other. I personally prefer Celtic Sea Salt because of its high magnesium content. Magnesium is one of the most important minerals in the human body and almost all are deficient.
Spring Water
Spring water can be a great source of minerals. However, if foraging your own spring water, it’s important to make sure the source is not surrounded by industrialization. It’s a fact that many factories pollute the water table by dumping harmful chemicals into the ground. However, it has been debated that many of these chemicals that reach the spring are filtered out naturally by the earth before it reaches the surface. I personal have harvested many different spring waters and can say with certainty that the best water comes from that of a mountain. Mountain spring water is arguable the best water for human consumption. You can check out www.findaspring.com to find reliable springs that humans have safely used for many years.
Sea Vegetables
Sea vegetables contain large amounts of iodine and trace amounts of b vitamins. Iodine is crucial in today’s world because it helps counteract the effects of fluoride which is present in most tap water. Fluoride is a toxin and frequent exposure can be harmful. For this reason, sea vegetables should be a staple in everyone’s diet due to the frequent exposure of fluoride. Furthermore, when you shower, regardless if you have a filter installed or not, you are likely absorbing fluoride through skin. For this reason, I advise cold showers so you limit the likelihood of opening your pores. If cold showers are not doable due to your location, eating sea vegetables is highly advisable.
1 ounce of Chlorella contains astounding amounts of vitamin A, vitamin b2, vitamin b3, iron, magnesium, and zinc. It also contains the ever so important chlorophyll. Chlorophyll aids in the removal of toxins and helps purify the blood. As a result, Chlorella is powerful detoxing agent. Due to its large mineral content however, Chlorella is also great for remineralization of the body.
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