
How Grounding Or Earthing Can Improve Your Health Dramatically!

 What Is Grounding?

Grounding is a very simple concept that ALL can and should take advantage of.  If we look at any animal in the wild, they are continually grounded to the Earth.  Now, if you believe we came from the wild ourselves, then being grounded to the Earth is something worth looking into.  Personally, I believe we can correct various aliments throughout the human body by connecting ourselves to the Earth.   Our feet allow the Earth’s energy to flow from the bottoms of our feet all the way up to our head.  It’s during this time that the Earth’s energy corrects bodily aliments by syncing our energy with its ‘perfect energy’.   In fact, all the spiritual texts link us to coming “out of the ground.”   If this is true, we have a deep connection to the ground, or Earth, that can’t be ignored.

We Are Electrical Beings

The human body is in fact an electrical based.  Within the human body our soul resides.  That being said, the human body is able to transmit energy, as well as absorb energy.  This is why ‘touch’ and ‘love’ are so powerful.  If you take an individual with good energy, they are able to transmit this energy to a person who is sick, or full of ‘bad energy.’   As result, the sick individual uses this energy to correct the bad energy that is occurring in their body.

Mother Earth possesses perfect energy.  The Earth never falls out of tune with the natural cycles around us.  Ever wonder why individuals experience seasonal disorders?   Their body is out of tune with the Earth.  They are not operating at the same cycle in which the Earth is.  The individual with seasonal disorder needs to get grounded to the Earth!  By grounding, they can correct the energy disorder that is making them feel depressed and/or anxious.  Again, we are electrical beings.  Once you understand this concept, things that were once hidden, will soon come to light. Overtime, grounding can correct many issues such as insomnia, fatigue, inflammation, anxiety, depression, and brain fog

How the Earth Can Lead Us to Prophecy

If you’re unaware, below the Earth’s surface lives the largest organism in the world.  The name of this organism is Mycelium.   Mycelium is a fungus that resides below the Earth’s surface and is the precursor to mushrooms.  The mushroom that we see is actually the “fruiting body” of mycelium.  When ready, the mycelium pushes through the ground and creates a mushroom cap, or fruiting body.

So why is Mycelium important to grounding?  Well, Mycelium has connections throughout the entire Earth.  We don’t see these connections, but Mycelium in New Hampshire can communicate with Mycelium in California! Think of Mycelium as the Earths “internet.”   It has millions of connections below the Earth’s surface that communicates with the plants above.  The communication that takes place between the mycelium and plants dictates what needs to be done to maintain homeostasis in the environment.  Animals that eat the plants become connected to this mycelium communication as well. Simply put, mycelium is probably the most important organism on this planet.

As mentioned before, when we stand barefoot on the ground, we absorb all of Earth perfect energy.  However, we are also receiving communication in the form of energy from the mycelium.  It’s not far-fetched to say that this mycelium can alert us of natural disasters, what the environment is lacking, and energy of another being.  Anything that steps foot on the Earth, mycelium has the ability to communicate its energy to us directly.  Perhaps prophecy that can found in the bible and any other spiritual book was in fact due to mycelium communicating with man.  Mycelium could very well be God’s way of communicating with man.

How To Start Grounding Yourself Today!

The technique of grounding is simple and can be enjoyed by anyone!  Simply take 30 minutes out of your day and stand on the Earth barefoot.  Use this time to mediate, workout, walk, or just stand.  The best places to ground yourself are obviously places that our far from industrialization.  The best place to ground in my experience is the forest.  It’s the place where we came from, and the place in which we belong.  Work on building up the bottom of your feet to the point where walking in the forest is enjoyable and not painful.  We all have “soft” feet due to shoes.  We should be able to walk anywhere on the Earth with ease, not in pain.

Use An Earthing Mat For Further Benefits!

For those looking to take it a step further, try using an Earthing mat.  Earthing mats can be used under your desk, in your home, in your bed; anywhere you have access to an outlet.   If you’re unaware, every time you use an outlet, that outlet has its own grounding wire which runs from the outlet to the Earth.  When you plug the Earthing mat into an outlet, it connects the mat to the earth by utilizing the grounding wire.  As a result, anything that comes in contact with this mat is grounded to Mother Earth.

There are numerous testimonials of individuals ridding themselves of sleep issues, anxiety, depression, and fatigue by using these Earthing mat’s.  I personally use one in my bed.  The feeling of being connected to Earth and sleeping in my own bed is indescribable. Consequently,  I’ve noticed huge improvement in my sleep quality since using the Earthing mat.  The Earthing Mat below is in my opinion the best product you can buy and is relatively cheap considering all the benefits it offers.

Ground Smart Earthing Mat – Black Technology (With Free Body Band); Universal Earthing Grounding Mat; Meditation Mat

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